Where’s Pyney? They seek him here, They seek him there, That demmed elusive Pynepernel

They seek him here,
They seek him there,
Those Journos seek him everywhere,
Is he is heaven?
Or is he in hell?
That demmed elusive Pynepernel

added by 99.
Use of poem is parody on the original and does not usurp the copyright of original copyright holders
Use of link, does not imply that Anthony Andrews, the Scarlet Pimpernel, Christopher Pyne, or youtube endorse the contents of this post or blog
use of the Where’s Wally image falls under the parody section of copyright act and does not usurp the copyright of the Where’s Wally owner

7 Comments to “Where’s Pyney? They seek him here, They seek him there, That demmed elusive Pynepernel”

  1. Whiney Pyne is in his office drafting up an email that he won’t remember sending! 😉

  2. If only we still had a guillotine! 🙂

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