Australians will spend more on food they throw away, than carbon pricing

Great Big New Scare Campaign is what the LNP carbon “tax” policy is.

Great Big New Joke is how Australia reacted on Saturday night, with jokes about the sky falling in, Carbocalypse, carbon zombies and the end of Whyalla. Not much of a scare campaign if people are making jokes about it.

But this image (from The Australia Institute, shows exactly what effect carbon pricing will have on the average weekly budget…

It shows that Australians will spend more money on food they waste than on carbon pricing.

It shows that Australians will spend more money on confectionary (lollies, chocolates, etc), than on carbon pricing.

It shows that Australians will spend more money on tobacco than on carbon pricing.

Kind of puts the “great big new tax” into context.

One Comment to “Australians will spend more on food they throw away, than carbon pricing”

  1. Love the graphic! Well and truly worth a thousand words!

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