Posts tagged ‘News Limited’

April 22, 2012

Tony Abbott charged with Indecent Assault – He Must Step Down

With the Liberal Party, and their puppet masters at News Limited baying for the blood of Peter Slipper, it is time to take a second look at the past of the man calling for Slipper to step down – Tony Abbott and his not so innocent past.

The allegations against Slipper – and that is all they are at this stage, allegations – are 9 years old. This is not on the head of PM Gillard. If there was a crime, it happened while Peter Slipper was a member of the Liberal Party, and while he continued to get endorsement election after election.

If News Limited can bring up allegations that are 9 years old, in an attempt to bring down the government, let us look at an incident that is more recent than that.

This story from Michelle Grattan in the Sun-Herald in 2004 Abbott: I was charged with indecent assault, shows that these allegations against Slipper are not about Justice, it is a political witch hunt, by the Murdoch media in a last ditch attempt to force an election before the carbon pricing comes in, in July.

Does anyone think that these allegations would have seen the light of day if Slipper was still a voting member of the Liberal Party?

In his past, Tony Abbott was charged with indecent assault after groping a female activist on the upper part of her leg, and between her legs, while she was on stage in front of an audience of over 200 people debating student unions.

Was this an attempt to humiliate a woman who dared to stand up for something she believed in?

In 2004 Abbott dismissed this as a long time ago… It’s part of the Abbott story – it is not part of the Abbott present – well so what? Allegations against Slipper are also a long time ago, and were covered up by the Liberal party – which surely equals accessory after the fact (or whatever the crime is, I am not a lawyer).

What reason did Abbott give for this shockingly indecent assault on a woman in public? She spoke of him, as Tony Abbott says in a highly critical way, calling me… right wing. So someone speaks badly of Tony Abbott and he thinks a justified response is public indecent assault?

Yes, this may be an old incident, but so are the allegations against Slipper, something the Liberal Party may have suspected, and did nothing for 9 years, so clearly they never thought that they were serious enough. After all, they are simply rumours at this stage.

Abbott here is Not denying the incident took place, he is just saying that it took place in his past. So why does he not apply the same criteria to the allegations against Peter Slipper?

Why is the Liberal Party cover up of any allegations against Slipper while he was a member of the Liberal Party, under both John hoWARd and now Tony Abbott, glossed over by the media?

At what point do we abandoned the premise of presumption of innocence and replace it with Trial By Murdoch Media?

This was not the only criminal incident that has blighted Tony Abbott’s ability to cast stones. He also destroyed public property by damaging a street sign, but fortunately for him, not the street sign, no conviction recorded.

(If you think, so what? this is old, my response is twofold – one, it gives an indication of how Tony Abbott treats people who challenge him; and two, if Slipper is going to be targeted by News Limited, and Abbott for allegations that are almost a decade old, why stop there, why not go a little further and drag up every incident of someone’s past.)

This man is a menace to women, public property, decency. He must stand down.

It is time someone else in the Liberal Party step up.

image from The Age

direct quotes: Abbott: I was charged with indecent assault, Michelle Grattan, 2004, Sun Herald
responsibility for this comment, is redglitterx
use of the logo for Law & Order is not intended to infringe on their copyright or imply that they have any connection with Liberal National parties, or would in anyway endorse the contents of this post or blog

April 4, 2012

ABC wants you to change your mind about climate change

The ABC website is running a survey to gauge viewers opinions about climate change.

And so far, those dismissive of climate change are out in front – by a long way. 80% when I voted. (68% dismissive + 12% doubtful)

What a complete farce – of course the climate change deniers will vote en masse to skewer the results, unless that was the objective, was it?

Which is interesting because I don’t remember surveys being done to get peoples opinions on any other science, such as physics, botany, geology, mathematics.

Although I am sure it is only a matter of time before we start canvassing whether the earth is flat or should creationism (intelligent design) be taught in science classes.

When did this scepticism about science take hold in the public debate in Australia. It’s not philosophy, it is not something where everyone’s opinion is entitled to equal air time on the national broadcaster.

Nor, is this 70s style conciousness raising where I feel becomes more important than I know especially when said by someone who has spend a career studying issues as compared to, say, an office worker, or banker, or a Cardinal, who think their opinion should hold as much weight as climate scientists.

This is climate scepticism on par with Murdoch’s News Limited. But there is a difference between News Ltd and the ABC, News Ltd are trying to make a profit, promote the agenda of their own, sell advertising space, create fear, and keep the people voting Tory. As much as we might not like it, News Ltd have a duty to maximise profits for shareholders, not save the planet. And if for some reason, action on climate change became profitable for Murdoch, then News Ltd may probably start getting alarmist over lack of action.

But from the ABC, what is their agenda? This is beyond mere scepticism, this is heading into rabid climate change denial territory.

This is not balance, this is agenda setting. It is no longer objectively reporting news, ABC are actively trying to change opinions and beliefs.

Can we now finally stop the myth that the ABC has a left-wing bias?

disclaimer: the number 99/100 used in this image is not based on any real information, but I feel it to be true, it is my opinion

image by @redglitterx
text by @redglitterx
references to ABC, News Ltd, Rupert Murdoch, and Climate Scientists are in no way intended to imply that they would in anyway endorse the contents of this blog, but I don’t know, I haven’t asked them

March 19, 2012

A piece of Murdoch merde – Turning Back The Boats “Impossible”

The News Limited broadsheet, The Australian, has decided to take a look at the issue of refugees. The article Visiting Indonesian ministers have said the Federal Opposition’s boats policy is ‘impossible’ (15 March 2012) makes reference to Julie Bishop.

Julie Bishop recently attempted to allay Indonesian concerns over the policy, telling Ambassador Primo Alui Joelianto that boats would only be turned back “where it is safe to do so”.

The Liberal Nationals tell the Australian public that they will Turn back The Boats, but tell the Indonesians something completely different.

Which is it? Which is the real Tony Abbott? And, Mr Abbott, will your party’s new slogan fit on a protest sign Turn Back The Boats…. where it is safe to do so”

text by: @redglitterx